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Mason Gross School of the Arts
Design, Installation

Type Love was born out of an admiration for the complexities and exciting possibilities of typography. In an effort to inspire the students around Mason Gross to continue learning about typography, we assembled a team of designers to create typographical art that would decorate the building for years to come.

 Within the production area of the design department, a little hub that many students would pass through constantly, our team put up a typographic mural using vinyls. Replacing one of the many blank white walls overnight, this new bold addition to th

Within the production area of the design department, a little hub that many students would pass through constantly, our team put up a typographic mural using vinyls. Replacing one of the many blank white walls overnight, this new bold addition to the building caught many people off-guard the next morning and left them curious about what Type Love is.

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 Aside from providing some much needed decoration to the building, we also wanted our Type Love to be educational and a helpful resource for the community at the university. Our team installed thirty “O” type specimens from some of the most widely us

Aside from providing some much needed decoration to the building, we also wanted our Type Love to be educational and a helpful resource for the community at the university. Our team installed thirty “O” type specimens from some of the most widely used type families. Passing students could see very clearly the differences in each typeface, from the subtle differences between Baskerville and Garamond, to the striking round letterforms in Futura.

 The wall served as an announcement for Type Love’s new presence at Mason Gross. Alongside the mural, an Instagram account was launched by other team members that provided quick type resources and guides for new students to the program.

The wall served as an announcement for Type Love’s new presence at Mason Gross. Alongside the mural, an Instagram account was launched by other team members that provided quick type resources and guides for new students to the program.

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